Benefits and Risks of Root Canal Treatment in Centuria, WI

Understanding Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy has become increasingly common, but it’s still surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. If you have an upcoming root canal treatment, our Centuria, WI dentist, Dr. Georgie Vargas of River Birch Dental, wants you to understand the benefits and risks of root canal treatment so you can be prepared. 

Contact River Birch Dental today by calling (715) 646-2161 and scheduling an appointment.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Pain Relief

The root canal procedure is often performed to relieve pain caused by an infected or damaged tooth. The procedure removes the source of the pain, which can provide almost immediate relief.

Prevents Infection

woman in dental chair holding jaw and speaking to dentistWhen a tooth is damaged or infected, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body. Root canal treatments remove the infected tissue and prevent the bacteria from spreading, which can protect your overall health.

Saves Your Natural Teeth

In the past, the only treatment for a damaged or infected tooth was extraction. Root canals allow you to keep your natural tooth, which is always the best option.

Restores Functionality

A damaged or infected tooth can make it difficult to eat or speak properly. Root canal therapy restores the functionality of the tooth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Improves Overall Oral Health

Maintaining good oral health is essential for your overall health and well-being. Root canal therapy can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums, which can reduce your risk of other health problems.

Risks of Root Canal Treatment

Like any medical procedure, root canal therapy carries some risks. While these risks are relatively rare, it’s essential to be aware of them before undergoing treatment.

Incomplete Removal of Infected Tissue

dentist showing patient teeth in hand mirrorIf the dentist doesn’t remove all of the infected tissue during the root canal therapy, the infection can return. This can result in the need for additional treatment or even tooth extraction.

Damage to Surrounding Teeth

During root canal therapy, there may be accidental damage to the surrounding teeth or tissues. This can lead to additional dental problems that may require further treatment.

Discoloration of the Tooth

After root canal therapy, the treated tooth may become discolored. While this is a relatively minor side effect, it can be an aesthetic concern for some patients.

Weakening of the Toothdentist talking to man in dental chair

After a root canal, the treated tooth may become weaker and more prone to fractures. This can sometimes be prevented by placing a crown on the tooth.

Endodontic Treatment Alternatives

In some cases, root canal therapy may not be the best option for treating a damaged or infected tooth. Alternatives that may be recommended include:

  • Tooth Extraction: In cases where the tooth is severely damaged or infected, extraction may be the only option. While this may seem like a drastic measure, it can be necessary to prevent the spread of infection and protect your overall health.
  • Antibiotics: Our dentist may prescribe antibiotics to treat an infected tooth. While this can help alleviate pain and reduce the infection, it’s not a long-term solution and may not be effective in all cases.
  • Pulp Capping: Pulp capping is a procedure where a dental professional removes a small amount of damaged or decayed tooth material and places a protective covering over the exposed pulp. This allows the tooth to heal itself and can help avoid the need for a root canal.
  • Apicoectomy: An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure performed when a root canal has failed or when there’s a persistent infection and involves removing the tip of the root and any infected tissue.

Frequently Asked Questions

River Birch Dental

601 State Road 35
Centuria, Wisconsin 54824
P.O. Box 459

Office Hours

8am – 5pm
8am – 5pm
8am – 5pm
8am – 5pm
7am – 2pm