Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure in Centuria, WI

Get Ready for Your Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure, and understanding the wisdom teeth removal procedure can help alleviate any concerns you may have. Our Centuria, WI, dentists at River Birch Dental want to ensure you’re prepared. We’ll walk you through the wisdom teeth removal procedure and answer any questions.

To schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Georgie Vargas by calling (715) 646-2161.

The Importance of Wisdom Teeth Removal

woman holding cheek in painPreventing complications such as impaction, infection, and damage to adjacent teeth is the primary reason wisdom teeth removal is crucial for oral health. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and even the formation of cysts or tumors. 

Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure performed by a dentist or oral surgeon, ensuring the safe and thorough extraction of the troublesome tooth.

Of course, every procedure comes with potential risks and complications. Wisdom tooth removal may involve:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Dry socket

Assessing Your Wisdom Teeth

Oral Examination

During an oral examination, our dentist will conduct a comprehensive dental examination to assess the positioning and state of the wisdom teeth,  the surrounding gum tissue, and nearby teeth. This evaluation helps predict if your wisdom teeth need an extraction or if they’ll cause any current or future potential issues. Patients are typically evaluated in their mid-teen years to determine how many wisdom teeth they have and if they require extraction.

X-Ray Analysis

Identifying impacted wisdom teeth and any associated issues is made possible through dental X-rays. Panoramic, periapical, and occlusal X-rays are utilized for the assessment of wisdom teeth, including the detection of impacted wisdom teeth.

The advantages of X-rays include:

  • Pinpointing the exact location and size of the wisdom teeth
  • Identifying any associated issues, such as cysts or tumors
  • Assisting the dentist in creating the most suitable plan of action for the removal of wisdom teeth
  • Ensuring a successful extraction and minimizing potential complications

Personalized Treatment Plan

Based on your specific case, a personalized treatment plan is developed. We’ll make a plan based on a comprehensive diagnosis, including dental X-rays, and consider factors such as the risk of blood clot formation during the extraction process.

Anesthesia Options for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Dental sedation options ensure patient comfort and pain management during the procedure. You’ll discuss the options available to you with our dentist and determine which is best for you before your procedure.

The Wisdom Teeth Extraction Process

Anesthesia Administration

The first step in your extraction is anesthesia administration, which guarantees your comfort and assists with pain management. Regardless of the type of anesthesia chosen, it’s essential to follow your dentist’s instructions and take necessary precautions before the procedure, such as avoiding food and beverages (except for prescription medications taken with a sip of water) for at least 6 hours before the extraction.

Tooth Extraction

During the tooth extraction procedure, an incision is first made in the gum tissue, revealing both the tooth and the underlying bone. If any bone is obstructing access to the tooth root, it’s carefully removed. To facilitate a smoother extraction, the wisdom tooth might be sectioned into smaller pieces. 

Once adequately sectioned, the tooth is extracted from its position. Following the removal, the site is meticulously cleaned to rid it of any debris. In some cases, to aid the healing process, the wound is sutured, although these stitches typically dissolve over time. 

Suturing and Gauze Placement

Suturing and gauze placement after the extraction aid in controlling bleeding and promoting healing. Our dentist may use dissolvable sutures that disappear within three to five days, eliminating the need for removal.

A gauze is placed over the extraction site to absorb blood and help form a clot, which is essential for healing. Following your dentist’s post-operative instructions, including guidelines for pain management, swelling reduction, and oral hygiene, will ensure a smooth recovery and minimize potential complications.

Frequently Asked Questions

River Birch Dental

601 State Road 35
Centuria, Wisconsin 54824
P.O. Box 459

Office Hours

8am – 5pm
8am – 5pm
8am – 5pm
8am – 5pm
7am – 2pm